An illustration of a piggy bank. Money is draw at the bottom of the pig's feet, and there are coins behind the pig.

Can Businesses Be Mission-Driven and Still Make Money?

Customers and business leaders alike are asking themselves a similar question: can you make money while being true to your values? How do you stay focused on your bottom line while supporting a genuinely public-spirited mission?

The answer, of course, is yes, provided you do your research and partner with the right people. We all know brands that have done so successfully, and mission-focused organizations are on the rise. But it’s also important to choose organizations wisely so your heart leads you in the right direction.

Consumers Express Values by Where They Spend Money

One study found that a full 82% of consumers look for brands that reflect their values when shopping. Young people in particular seek out companies that appear to reflect their values. Some folks look for names that align with religious values or social causes. Either way, aligning causes with profits is as American as apple pie, as long as the organization’s business model is successful in other ways.

Customer Service Needs Can Be Outsourced to Value-Driven Lighthouse

The truth is, in today’s market, there are many ways to combine mission and profit. One might be to channel some of your profits toward a specific cause that is close to your heart. For companies that rely on communication with the public, there is another option. Outsource some of your customer service needs to a place like Lighthouse Enterprises, which relies heavily on workers who are blind, disabled, or veterans.

Support the Blind Using Highly Efficient and Effective Communication Services

Many businesses and entrepreneurs are having success by using services staffed by workers who represent communities with certain disabilities. To fill a void in care for the blind and vision-impaired, Lighthouse Enterprises was created both to provide highly efficient remote call centers, as well as to provide employment and services for the visually impaired.

Workers with Disabilities Are Highly Dedicated and Passionate

People with disabilities such as blindness encounter significant barriers when trying to achieve financial independence. Outsourcing a task or service to a disabled community is an effective way of helping out in that area. Unlike brands that include positive messaging without taking any real action, hiring people is one of the best ways to walk the walk and show true support of a cause.

Anyone concerned about the quality of service they’ll receive should consider two things:

  1. Workers with disabilities are some of the best, most dedicated workers around because they likely have struggled to gain employment at some point.
  2. Hiring from disabled communities has an added benefit, in that you can highlight the service they provide in your messaging to appeal to value-focused consumers.

Being Mission-Driven Means Being Open to New Ideas

Socially minded enterprises can be highly innovative when they address problems on a larger scale than other charitable programs. When done well, this can even result in helping to reform or revolutionize a type of production or service.

For example, Lighthouse Enterprises provides its visually impaired workers with state-of-the-art technology that enables them to manage certain tasks. This is one reason that nearly all calls are resolved the first time, saving clients time and resources.

Outsource to Live Call Center Agents Who Make Customers Feel Appreciated

The bottom line is that human beings who are good at their jobs and understand good customer service know that appearing genuine and approachable is part of the deal. They take the time to explain things step by step so the customer is armed with all the information they need. They can convey warmth and gratitude that makes customers feel like their business is appreciated. That is something missing at call centers with high turnover – and something a robot will never do.

Use Customized, Remote Services That Measure the Impact of Their Programs

Find partners who provide a customized approach to exceptional services, such as the inbound and outbound call center at Lighthouse Enterprises. Your clients will have access to superior communications services, which just happen to be connected to a cause anyone can support.

In addition to identifying a cause, organizations you work with should demonstrate evaluation methods for measuring the impact of their programming. Lighthouse Enterprises does just that. With turnover in the single digits, our retention rates blow the competition out of the water.

Reach out to Lighthouse Enterprises to discuss how we can help you spend more wisely while boosting your efficiency.