An illustration of a desktop. Next to it, there is a pile of money with an arrow pointing up.

How Is Remote Customer Service Leveraging Advanced Technology?

Want to improve your quality of customer service, raise your call resolution rates and operate more efficiently? Leveraging advanced technology is one of the smartest ways that customer service organizations can bring clients these types of results.

At Lighthouse Enterprises, a range of unique advanced technology helps visually impaired call center agents do their jobs better and quicker than the competition. One way is by partnering with other organizations on the cutting edge of assistive technology. Lighthouse has even helped test new devices for the blind that eventually reach the general market. The latest methods are helping customer service groups handle routine tasks in a variety of areas:

  • Retail
  • Customer Care
  • Call Centers
  • Shipping Centers
  • Remote Workers at Home

Supporting Blind and Disabled with More Efficient Communication Services

Businesses that field a large number of inbound and outbound calls are always on the lookout for ways to do things better and get callers the answers they need. To fill a void in care for the blind and vision-impaired, Lighthouse Enterprises was created both to provide highly efficient remote call centers, as well as to provide employment and services for the visually impaired. It’s proven to be a win-win. Companies are finding success by using off-site services staffed by Lighthouse workers who can take some or all of the call load off their hands.

And technology is playing a major role in this trend.

Things Move Faster with New, Advanced Communication Technology

Lighthouse is able to produce results and keep clients happy by staying at the forefront of web accessibility standards with the latest technology. Groundbreaking research has helped level the playing field and created a whole new crop of exceptional communications professionals in the process. Agents are finding they can manage even the most intricate workflows through inclusive programs that aid communications for folks who are blind, visually impaired, and disabled.

One AI device that workers are using was named one of the best new inventions of the year by Time Magazine. It is essentially a smart camera that can be attached to a pair of glasses. Using both facial and character recognition software, it helps users read as quickly as someone with no visual impairment. It can be used to scan barcodes in shipping as well as information on a computer screen. Known as MyEye 2, this relatively new technology has revolutionized the communications industry by making day-to-day tasks more efficient and opening these positions to highly talented and dedicated communications workers.

Hiring Blind Workers Using the Latest Developments in Assistive Devices

An established remote call center services provider, Lighthouse views itself as a place for reinvention as well as a premiere provider of excellent customer service solutions. Because the organization primarily hires blind people to fill customer service roles, it also boosts the capabilities of visually impaired employees through technology and ongoing research.

Assistive technologies can include anything that enables customer service agents to do their jobs as well as possible. They get access to products, systems, and other adapted materials designed to support and assist workers with disabilities. That may also include people with restricted mobility or other challenges to perform functions in the workplace.

How Our Research Helps Us Produce New Assistive Technology

One experimental device called BrainPort connects visual technology with the tongue of the individual using it to project information to the brain through electrical stimulation. Scans have shown that the device has the power to activate the visual part of the brain of the person using it. Using research from Lighthouse, the data being gathered is being used by engineers to evaluate and improve the technology.

Ongoing Customer Service Training Is Key to Business Success

Cutting edge technology is only as good as the training workers receive in it. Call centers that produce the best results and save you money need to have strong programming and support for their agents in a number of areas. That’s why Lighthouse provides a high quality of:

  1. Hiring
  2. Training
  3. Ongoing Education
  4. Client Relationships
  5. Supportive company culture

All of those factors reduce support staff turnover and result in uniquely high retention rates.

Lighthouse Produces the Best Customer Service Outcomes for Its Clients

Through our customized approach to customer support services, the remote call center at Lighthouse Enterprises can help any organization with a high volume of calls operate more efficiently. Being flexible means you get just what you need.

Contact Lighthouse Enterprises to get help with your customer service solutions today.